
Showing posts from February, 2018

Funny Angels & Flamingoes

This video I'm going to talk about shields. 😂😂😂😂

DAY 8: Flight Plan & Escape Stories

Today is Day 8 of my own Start Anew project. For me so far, I've managed quite well - not perfectly and that is actually exactly how it should be, to combat perfectionism ;). This morning I took the clothes I had laid out yesterday and put them on, together with my lace-up shoes, my Pink Magic Shoes.. I came into my kitchen and was greeted by a shining sink, and while I made my morning coffee I did the items of dishes that I had put away in my dishes box last night, before shining my sink. Now, yesterday I wrote that I have begun also reading and doing the 'task of the day'; yesterday was Plan & Play. Today is Wednesday: Anti-Procrastination Day. And I wanted to introduce if you haven't already found it the Flight Plan ,  Here you can very clearly get a quick overview of what is in store for today. Much of what is on here is for after we finish the BabySteps, though, so don't feel like you have to do it all at once or you might well crash and burn in the proce...

DAY 7: Thoughts Become Things & Bedtime Routine

So, firstly I want to say that since I've been (we've been) doing this for a week now, I decided yesterday to incorporate FlyLady's tasks for the day. She has certain tasks that are done once a week; Monday is Weekly Homeblessing Hour. 7 tasks, each for 10 minutes = 60 minutes. (Because they don't actually take 10 min each, and the trick is to learn to do it quickly, easily and to STOP when the timer rings!) Today is Tuesday so that is Plan & Play day; which means looking at the week ahead for times, purchases, preparations, meals planning, packing whatever else might need to be plottet into a weekly plan. And once that is done; Play. Some time for just ourselves. Taking a hot bath is my go to self-indulgence, sometimes I take half an hour with a coffe and a good book in my balcony or in the garden. Me-time. So, add that if you want, but remember the only thing you are actually supposed to do for now is your daily Babystep - and 15 min of decluttering. This we...

DAY 6: Hot Spots and Baby Steps

So today I'll keep it short - I'm going to do some much needed work on my home; go rent a core drill so I can get some shelves up on my concrete walls :) But FlyLady's message today is important and deals with depression. I think everyone, depressed or not, could benefit from reading, we might need her experience some time in the future and she shares it honestly. For our tasks, both tasks today are in the energy of effective / decisive: For FlyLady were are to  Clear a Hot Spot:  This habit has helped me so much. And yes, you need a timer. I don't know anyone who knows when to stop. Two minutes only, 2. A hot spot is the side table where you put your keys, you book, the coffecup, sissors, a toy from the floor, any thing that is in your hand - it is where piles  are born :) Often it is the surface in a room that looks messiest - but not always. It is an 'active' - hot - mess, it's where you still put things so to speak. Set the timer and spend 2 minute...

Angel Fatigue - and A Leading Heart

Friends, I got the blues yesterday. It wasn't fun, but it was important. I learned something new. If you have ever felt really tired of humans and their (our) way, you might recognize what I'm talking about in this video. Yesterday, I just got tired of it all, the whole human mess. It also had to do with a new ability I disovered; since my last clearing it seems my empathy has reached yet another level, so that I now re-create - in my own life - what I have been empathizing with in another's. Not fun, let me tell you... That will get you sick and tired of humans in a few hours...! And also it gave me a sense of hopelessness, if I can't even empathize, what is the point! Bare with me, it's not as bad as it sounds, there is a silver lining. I found Jamye Price and her interesting video for March, so after you watch my video, go check her video out. And friends, I am sorry for overstepping, I am sorry for getting the blues and blaming it on you, and I am very...

DAY 5: What Will Inevitably Be

Day 5 of this project, Start Anew, is fun! We are to visualize our life as we really want it to be, and then for the second part of it we are to transform our negative voices one at a time, into loving words, that can help us stay in Love! But first - one (two actually) of my Loves:                                           My Lace-Up Shoes <3 I never imagined loving a pink pair of sneakers before, but that's what FlyLady can do to you... :) To work we go :  Day 5 Infinite Possibilities In my video I tell you what I visualized. Maybe you are more experienced in Law of Attraction than I am and can find flaws in how   I visualize. But I really urge you to just trust the process without perfection, if that is the case. I do very few things perfectly, this is an utterly imperfect world. We are in fragile human bodies with a very limited time span - we're in...

DAY 4: Visions and Journals, royally.

Today, I've decided to do a video on the project. If you have done the first three days, you might like to hear where I am in the process, but it is not necessary, below are today's tasks and a few tips that I've learnt before and am already using again... For me the two tasks today are both 'beginning to physically put my intentions out there'. Both tasks are hands on, messages to ourselves - which is nice, it puts reminders to ourselves in our homes of what we want and where we are going ;) Before I go into today's tasks, I wanted to tell you that I have missed my 'shink shining' two nights in a row, actually. This is important to tell you, because of how I've learnt to handle that. My instinct says 'I failed' - when that happens. I feel like I have to start over from Day1 again. But FlyLady is very clear on this; we are not  behind, we just jump right in. This means that if I couldn't manage to shine my sink last night, I can j...

DAY 3: Launch Pad

This is Day 3, I don't know how you guys are doing, but for me yesterday was a close call, so many other needs - the children's - that I almost didn't make it. I had to do my last tasks just before bedtime, and with lights out at 10pm I only had 15 minutes down time after finishing. So, this morning I've started with doing quite a few of the tasks already - and now I'm making this post too, so my day then is freed up for spiritual work. What have I done with my morning, then? Well, first of all I got dressed to lace-up-shoes - including the full teeth routine, morning prayer and meditation, re-shining my sink after breakfast, taking care of cat litter box and walking the dog. And I've also studied with my daughter who has two tests today, and trimmed the dogs nails. Just before writing this, then, I sat down and watched Day 3 of Infinite Possibilities; Day 3: Getting in to the Details It's a lovely task; to find details I want in my life in each ar...

Clearing Meditation

In writing to a friend today, I was reminded of this meditation and want to share it with you. It is a meditation that came to me on a grey day, when I was out of motivation and was just putting one foot in front of the other, without any of that beautiful energy and love that on good days can dance through me. Sitting down to meditate, the light that will normally flow during meditation, transformed into little cleaners. Please, try it if you want to, and comment or send a message if you do, it would make me very happy <3

DAY 2: Clearing has already begun

Hi, today is only day 2, but for me at least the effect has already been stunning. When I take steps in the right direction, however small, the Universe just clears my path. There is so much more energy, so many ideas, so much love, so many possibilities. Today on Day 2, for FlyLady we get up. What? Yes. We get up, out of the bed/couch/hammock - and we get dressed as if going to work. (If you are going to work, you're all set ;)) But for us self-employed, unemployed, stay-at-homes, luxury lazy or sick folks, this step is a reminder to start our day . Get up, clean ourselves up, wash our face, put on clean clothes - and shoes. The 'lace-up shoes' are funny. Why? I don't know why they have to be lace-up, but for now, just know that it works. It can be other shoes than the ones you use out doors. Put on a pair of sneakers - but lace them up. Tighten them, make them fit. Trust me on this, there's magic there... :) Ok, done. And then tonight before bedtime, again...

DAY 1: First steps

On my very first day of my Starting Anew project I decided on which daily habits I really wanted to work on getting into my system. My system is as I have mentioned before, very very resilient towards routines and automation. It doesn't really happen. I still wake up and go about my new day for an hour or more before I - maybe - get the brilliant idea that maybe I could eat breakfast! Or get dressed, or check what time it is in case I'm late, or check my calendar to see if I have anywhere I need to be. Amusing to watch for the watchers surely, not always amusing to live. Lots of late, lots of stress, lots of eating after the hunger break point etc etc. Any way, for my new start I had a few important things, I actually really need to remember doing everyday - one of which I forgot in my last post. Firstly, I need to work on my teeth - to have time to floss and rinse and brush with a pointed brush and apply anti-inflammatory. It's quite some work, and I have been cheating...

DAY 0: Startup of 30 day Starting Anew Project

Ideas that come to me while I am in a 'connected' state, in touch with both body, spirit and Everything, or Ey as I call 'it',  (aka God, The Universe, The Way, Life, The Spirit, The One etc), those ideas I rarely hesitate to try and implement or manifest. This 30 day project is one of those ideas, which came to me while recording my previous video. My only hesitation is that my project is a combination of two other people's projects - and also it includes challenges for me personally that might, quite frankly, seem ludicrous to others. But I will put ego aside and share - as always, if I'm asked to transmit, there is likely to be a receiver out there... So, firstly. The two projects I will follow are available online for free. They are firstly Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley aka The Universe. (And if you haven't had emails from The Universe yet, you should sign up. It's a big smile, all of it:  ) In...

Starting Anew

Recording my video today, as amends to my best friend in this my new life, I realized that maybe what I should do here in my blog/channel is to share the work I do on myself and with my life at this moment. Eureka? Well, of course that is what I have been trying to do all along, but right now I'm starting a 30 day project involving several phacettes of my life; the very mundane and the very etherial and several levels in between. In this period, I might try and post videos on my 'angelwork/lightwork' separately, and try and keep the posts on the project in it's own 'folder'. I don't know how to do that though, so I will keep it in the titles from now on also. The thing is I owe you all - there are after a few of you coming in every now and again to see the progress here - some videos about the healing work that me and my friend did in primarily around the turn of the new year. And about general spiritual questions I've been processing. So, from n...