DAY 3: Launch Pad

This is Day 3, I don't know how you guys are doing, but for me yesterday was a close call, so many other needs - the children's - that I almost didn't make it. I had to do my last tasks just before bedtime, and with lights out at 10pm I only had 15 minutes down time after finishing.

So, this morning I've started with doing quite a few of the tasks already - and now I'm making this post too, so my day then is freed up for spiritual work.

What have I done with my morning, then? Well, first of all I got dressed to lace-up-shoes - including the full teeth routine, morning prayer and meditation, re-shining my sink after breakfast, taking care of cat litter box and walking the dog. And I've also studied with my daughter who has two tests today, and trimmed the dogs nails.

Just before writing this, then, I sat down and watched Day 3 of Infinite Possibilities;

Day 3: Getting in to the Details

It's a lovely task; to find details I want in my life in each area that I wish to improve. I wrote things like "Sitting with soul friends, in my couch, laughing and talking about the actual light work we are going to do during the day." "Seeing my new beautiful intro, for my videos", "Dropping by a friend unannounced because I know I am welcome, I know they have time". "I hear my children speak royally to eachother". "I stay true to love" " "I get a paycheck" "I have a waiting list". "I tend to chicken". "I see green buds spiring".

I wrote a lot more, and I feel gorgeous. These things are on their way, I know it, I've experienced it happen before. I am just so in love with my life, the one I have and the one on it's way...

Good luck with your task <3

Also, when it comes to FlyLady, the task today is in the energy of 'taking off':
FlyLady Baby Step 3  Check our the Launch Pad. In it we are asked to look around at the site, find the different missions and focuses etc that we can engage in gradually. As a 'FlyBaby' we need to be careful not to jump in too fast though, and start following her entire program at once. For the first 30 (31) days - we only need to do the babystep of the day AND spend 15minutes decluttering - in the room of the week, Master bedroom in our case.

As you will find De-cluttering is also the habit of the month, so there will be quite a lot of focus on this on the site. Which is good.

Since I have a tendency to get lost in websites and stay there too long, I like to print 'sneak peak of the week' once a week, so I can just follow that - but that is actually later, after the 30 days. (31).

I hope you enjoy what you find. Remember to try and put intellectual resistance aside. If your home and life needs a make-over, FlyLady can really help - if you let it. Don't mind the fonts, colors, language - if they annoy you - stay focused on the message. It is free and it is wonderful and pure love.

Good luck!


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