(Dragonfae readings Oct 24) 2. Sunflower 10
Sunflower 10 asked a series of questions on a topic that is private, but I answered them with at reply from the Dragonfae regarding what they want her to know at this time, which was the card Nimue, and the short of it was 'Free yourself!', but my interpretation and the three spread follows now. And further below are the individual cards and the full texts where I've found them.
Nimue - Seek the councel of crystals.
"Make a commitment to thy own self now – she, who you truly are, is worth this trust, this pledge, this courage you must have to birth your own changing self. For I am gentle, but I too have no more time to spend if you wish to waster the jewels life has given you. I will turn away, because it may not yet be your time. Only you can say it is not so, and walk forth into your new self, with me as guide and light, with transformation as your nature, with your incarnation without material death as your truth.
Do this with me: “Bless thyself. Love thyself. Know that you are beyond your own imaginings. Act this day, this hour, this minute, and change will flow. Do not hesitate. Be transformed now."
This Dragonfae has the power to create anything you wish for and desire, I am convinced she is asking you to direct your attention to what is truly worthy of your desire - your own divine transformation.
You [..] can work with crystals to clear yourself of others and your own expectations. Nimues message is 'free yourself'.
Below is the three spread Past/now/future:
PAST / roots: Tatsuya - Have Courage. Tatsuya means 'becoming dragon' in Japaneese and she shows up when a great transformation is imminent. There will be a lot of fears but she will be your fierce companion, giving you courage to deal with the root of the current issues. Tatsuya is namely a helper of removing toxins, addictions and addictive behavior - and in the process becoming all that you can be. The beginning of the journey of growing into your full self.
NOW/ action: Chumara - Web of all life. Chumara is telling you that now is the time to start showing your real vulnerable face - in safe places at first. Chumara weaves the web of life, daily she looks at her web, what needs remaking, what needs to be let go. "I ask you today to look at the webs in your life that must be remade and rewoven... " FUTURE / outcome: Lady Titania - Be joyful. "Celebrate yourself! There is no true happiness without joy in being who you are. " Lady Titania promises that after hard work comes play, dance, friends and supportive soul family. So the outcome of the actions in this reading, will be the ability - and you are urged to find it :) - to rejoice in who you are, to sing and really celebrate with social gatherings and friends who are nurturing and supporting your spiritual growth. Friends who you feel safe showing your true self to.
About Chumara: “Chumara is a Dragonfae Goddess from this world and beyond who presents as a spider, as she is a powerful weaver of energies, dimensions, and time. She is healing the rifts in dimensions and time and we can assist her by understanding who we truly are and by working on our own individual weavings with consciousness and peaceful power. She holds together the strands of all four directions and creates ripple effects along them so we can communicate with worlds beyond this one known as Gaia.”
Divinatory meaning: “Coming out about beliefs, revealing more of your true and vulnerable self to family; beginning to work in groups; understanding cosmic consciousness; finding a new family, understanding connections; making meaningful relationships that have far-reaching impact; learning more about people’s true selves. Revelations about cultural heritage and family and personal histories may be forthcoming when Chumara makes an appearance in your life. she also represents strides being made on a global and cosmic level on peace, communication technologies and understanding sixth sensory experiences, dream experiences, astral travel and time travel.”
Working with Chumara: “Gently revealing who you are in safe environments; exploring more about galactic consciousness; understanding your own personal and cultural history; bloodline vibrations and exploring your ancestry; being honest in situations where previously you may have kept silent; refusing to engage in falsehood for false peace; being who you are; becoming more sensitive to vibrational communication and higher vibrational living; creating a new family based on values and beliefs that are sacred to you; being in integrity with your beliefs; understanding your true self is beautiful, powerful and loving; activating the web in your life, working with the powers of the four directions, being open to the concept of communicating with beings from beyond our solar system.”

From the Oracle Of The Dragonfae, by Lucy Cavendish:
Lady Titania "Be Joyful"
Tatania speaks: “Celebrate yourself! There is no true happiness without joy in being who you are. Over this next moon cycle, the forthcoming 28 and a half days, many opportunities will come to you to play, revel, dance and explore the moonlit and joyful part of yourself that has been truly too long neglected! It is time to come forth from the place where you have been taking shelter and quiet time, and partake of the joy of good sweet company. Know that everyone, including the beings of the Dragonfae, is delighted and happy to know of your ability to delight in your own self. Celebrate, and we celebrate with you. Hail, joyful kindred spirit and be welcome to the feast!
About Titania: Faery Queen Titania’s name means, literally, daughter of the Titans. The Titans were the elder gods who were the children of Heaven and Earth, and sprang from chaos, along with the Dragonfae, who were also born of the divine. They included Saturn, Rhea, Oceanus, Hyperion, and others. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses Titania is another name for Diana, as well as other goddesses of the night, queens of the shadowy world, ruling over its mystic elements and powers. So, there is no separation: the titans are the goddesses, the goddesses are the Dragonfae. Like Isis, who personified the feminine, generative principle of universal nature, Diana and the others are all nature goddesses. So, rather than being a diminutive creature of delicacy and daintiness, Tatiania is tall, very powerful and very strong. She is of the elfin race where the height and the features are very pronounced, with enough Dragonfae blood in her veins to ensure she is a creature who can fly, and endure for many millenia. She is one of the oldest ones still with us, and yet her path for this time, and for you, is to help to celebrate with others as the joy of being alive. Just as you are feeling old, despairing and fatigued, she will sweep you up in her strong arms, show you the treasures of your life, and lay out a feast for you to partake in with others of your kind. Because being lonely and isolated is no longer an option for you.
Divinatory meanings: Bringing people together in life-changing, sacred and meaningful gatherings; mothering others joyously; being greater than you appear to be; understanding the need for joy and happiness and gatherings that delight in the company of soul mates; family agreements and pacts that are reinforced through celebration; coming together in community with friends. Finding your soul family. Being protected and nurtured by friends and soul-family. Connecting with others at gatherings, even if they are very small; consider hosting gatherings of like-minded souls; be prepared to balance your inner extrovert and introvert; understand the need for family, and for you to nurture those connections. Very very deep connections with others can still be playful!”
Nimue - Seek the councel of crystals.
"Make a commitment to thy own self now – she, who you truly are, is worth this trust, this pledge, this courage you must have to birth your own changing self. For I am gentle, but I too have no more time to spend if you wish to waster the jewels life has given you. I will turn away, because it may not yet be your time. Only you can say it is not so, and walk forth into your new self, with me as guide and light, with transformation as your nature, with your incarnation without material death as your truth.
Do this with me: “Bless thyself. Love thyself. Know that you are beyond your own imaginings. Act this day, this hour, this minute, and change will flow. Do not hesitate. Be transformed now."
This Dragonfae has the power to create anything you wish for and desire, I am convinced she is asking you to direct your attention to what is truly worthy of your desire - your own divine transformation.
You [..] can work with crystals to clear yourself of others and your own expectations. Nimues message is 'free yourself'.
Below is the three spread Past/now/future:
PAST / roots: Tatsuya - Have Courage. Tatsuya means 'becoming dragon' in Japaneese and she shows up when a great transformation is imminent. There will be a lot of fears but she will be your fierce companion, giving you courage to deal with the root of the current issues. Tatsuya is namely a helper of removing toxins, addictions and addictive behavior - and in the process becoming all that you can be. The beginning of the journey of growing into your full self.
NOW/ action: Chumara - Web of all life. Chumara is telling you that now is the time to start showing your real vulnerable face - in safe places at first. Chumara weaves the web of life, daily she looks at her web, what needs remaking, what needs to be let go. "I ask you today to look at the webs in your life that must be remade and rewoven... " FUTURE / outcome: Lady Titania - Be joyful. "Celebrate yourself! There is no true happiness without joy in being who you are. " Lady Titania promises that after hard work comes play, dance, friends and supportive soul family. So the outcome of the actions in this reading, will be the ability - and you are urged to find it :) - to rejoice in who you are, to sing and really celebrate with social gatherings and friends who are nurturing and supporting your spiritual growth. Friends who you feel safe showing your true self to.
From the Oracle Of The Dragonfae, by Lucy Cavendish:
Nimue “Seek the counsel of crystals.”
Nimue Speaks: “Between my two hands lies the power of all that is: the connections between the Earth and the stars, the realms through which you can move to bring about your deepest desires and dreams. But do you dare to dream it? Are you courageous enough to declare your desire? I can create, but I will not be brought forth when you do not have the fortitude to commit to your change. Make a commitment to thy own self now – she, who you truly are, is worth this trust, this pledge, this courage you must have to birth your own changing self. For I am gentle, but I too have no more time to spend if you wish to waster the jewels life has given you. I will turn away, because it may not yet be your time. Only you can say it is not so, and walk forth into your new self, with me as guide and light, with transformation as your nature, with your incarnation without material death as your truth.”
Do this with me: “Bless thyself. Love thyself. Know that you are beyond your own imaginings. Act this day, this hour, this minute, and change will flow. Do not hesitate. Be transformed now.”
Divinatory Meanings: “It is time for you to free yourself from the confines of others expectations and investigate other less conventional ways of making a living. You may be drawn to a particular crystal at this time, and may enjoy simply entering into more regular communion with the element of earth and its minerals. Wear jewellery that has been cleansed by you, and energized by you, and understand its significance and power for you. Make each piece you choose to wear a totem symbolizing your own self, adorning and expressing who you truly are. Above all, the message of Nimue is to free yourself. Stop expecting others to unshakle the chains and force you to walk free. You, and only you, can remove that which is holding you back.
working with Nimue: “Work with crystals to create change. Do not procrastinate changing yourself. Bring focus to your work. Wear talismanic jewelry. Separate yourself from the mainstream for a time to be truly who you are, and for your work to have unique energy. Make the change you want to see in your life immediately. Do not waste your precious time… start now.”
From the Oracle Of The Dragonfae, by Lucy Cavendish:
Tatsuya “Have courage!"
"We will go through the crucible, every one of us, and emerge changed. Ourselves but not ourselves. Now it is your turn, and you need not be afraid. For your fear will only hurt you, while your courage, in being tested and exercised, will show you so much of your great potential. For you are heroic, noble and able to pass through this. And while it may change you, it will do so in magnificent ways. Are you ready? No? Well, put aside your fear and follow me anyway. I will teach you the truth about recovery from grief and recovery from ddictions. I will teach you how to face that which you fear, and move forward anyway.
You are now in the process of deep transformation and by entering this door and facin the unknowable, you will find new hope daening before you even dare to dream of it. The secont you take action is the moment you will be changed. The more you explore and investigate this capacity of yours to be courageous, the more astounded you will become at your own ability to miracoulously, naturally transform yourself. Inellectually, you undrstand this. But you body hesitates at the blossoming of it: do it now. You will then start the process of moing through to a new stage.
Your fear masks a deeper dilemma; that of not being your true self and of not knowing that true self. This stage will see you reveal your spiritual beliefs, live with integrity, open up emotionally and become richer and more blissful in every way. With this test of courage, you will shatter the illusory barrier that lies between you and true self-love and self-worth. From this test you will learn to love this individuality, to recover from conditioning and to emerge truly yourself, beautiful and ready to fly.
Come through the door. There is nothing to fear. You will see"
(This is not the full text - there are three passages more / mi)
– Web of All Life
“Beyond the mask we all wear of identity, beyond the construct of who we have been conditioned to believe we are, lies your face, your self. This face is tender and new in so many ways, as you have not shown her to the world before. This face has been protected because the world has seemed and proved indeed at times to be dangerous and unkind place, where those of us who feel different are proved to be so as we brave the taunts and finger pointing. But i now tell you that your protections, your armor and your shield can be removed safely with me. Do not discard her, as you may need her yet in certain situations.”
– Web of All Life
“Beyond the mask we all wear of identity, beyond the construct of who we have been conditioned to believe we are, lies your face, your self. This face is tender and new in so many ways, as you have not shown her to the world before. This face has been protected because the world has seemed and proved indeed at times to be dangerous and unkind place, where those of us who feel different are proved to be so as we brave the taunts and finger pointing. But i now tell you that your protections, your armor and your shield can be removed safely with me. Do not discard her, as you may need her yet in certain situations.”
“But know now she is your armor and her role is to protect your true being. To you, I now reveal myself. See? Many have recoiled in horror at who I truly am. I am a Dragonfae Maiden, a Spider-Woman, a being of webs and change and destruction, and re-creation. Each day I must remake my world…I feel along its sensory threads to see what needs reconstruction and what needs to be let go of. For I am, as you are, part of the new web of life – a web of life that embraces our differences and yet understands that we are one. I ask you today to look at the webs in your life that must be remade and rewoven.”
About Chumara: “Chumara is a Dragonfae Goddess from this world and beyond who presents as a spider, as she is a powerful weaver of energies, dimensions, and time. She is healing the rifts in dimensions and time and we can assist her by understanding who we truly are and by working on our own individual weavings with consciousness and peaceful power. She holds together the strands of all four directions and creates ripple effects along them so we can communicate with worlds beyond this one known as Gaia.”
“Chumara is the creation energy which brings together nations and tribes, peoples and families, from this world and beyond, from other dimensions and times. Thus she is our mother of time and is often present when we have past life memories and experiences, when we receive premonitions about our future, as she weaves together the strands that hold past, present, and future in place. she knows they are all linked and that a ripple in one can be felt, no matter how far apart we seem, because we are all linked by the web of life.”
“She communicates via energy and sound, and thus you may hear a high-pitched ringing in your ears when she connects with you, as this is the vibration of the galactic web. Her role is to assist us in moving beyond our notions of economic short-term thinking, and moving into galactic environmentalism…not simply for Gaia, but for all with which she is connected. She wants us to see the Universe as our home too. She wishes for us all to remove the mask that says “I am this,” and to know we are that, but we are also so much more.”
Divinatory meaning: “Coming out about beliefs, revealing more of your true and vulnerable self to family; beginning to work in groups; understanding cosmic consciousness; finding a new family, understanding connections; making meaningful relationships that have far-reaching impact; learning more about people’s true selves. Revelations about cultural heritage and family and personal histories may be forthcoming when Chumara makes an appearance in your life. she also represents strides being made on a global and cosmic level on peace, communication technologies and understanding sixth sensory experiences, dream experiences, astral travel and time travel.”
Working with Chumara: “Gently revealing who you are in safe environments; exploring more about galactic consciousness; understanding your own personal and cultural history; bloodline vibrations and exploring your ancestry; being honest in situations where previously you may have kept silent; refusing to engage in falsehood for false peace; being who you are; becoming more sensitive to vibrational communication and higher vibrational living; creating a new family based on values and beliefs that are sacred to you; being in integrity with your beliefs; understanding your true self is beautiful, powerful and loving; activating the web in your life, working with the powers of the four directions, being open to the concept of communicating with beings from beyond our solar system.”
From the Oracle Of The Dragonfae, by Lucy Cavendish:
Lady Titania "Be Joyful"
Tatania speaks: “Celebrate yourself! There is no true happiness without joy in being who you are. Over this next moon cycle, the forthcoming 28 and a half days, many opportunities will come to you to play, revel, dance and explore the moonlit and joyful part of yourself that has been truly too long neglected! It is time to come forth from the place where you have been taking shelter and quiet time, and partake of the joy of good sweet company. Know that everyone, including the beings of the Dragonfae, is delighted and happy to know of your ability to delight in your own self. Celebrate, and we celebrate with you. Hail, joyful kindred spirit and be welcome to the feast!
About Titania: Faery Queen Titania’s name means, literally, daughter of the Titans. The Titans were the elder gods who were the children of Heaven and Earth, and sprang from chaos, along with the Dragonfae, who were also born of the divine. They included Saturn, Rhea, Oceanus, Hyperion, and others. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses Titania is another name for Diana, as well as other goddesses of the night, queens of the shadowy world, ruling over its mystic elements and powers. So, there is no separation: the titans are the goddesses, the goddesses are the Dragonfae. Like Isis, who personified the feminine, generative principle of universal nature, Diana and the others are all nature goddesses. So, rather than being a diminutive creature of delicacy and daintiness, Tatiania is tall, very powerful and very strong. She is of the elfin race where the height and the features are very pronounced, with enough Dragonfae blood in her veins to ensure she is a creature who can fly, and endure for many millenia. She is one of the oldest ones still with us, and yet her path for this time, and for you, is to help to celebrate with others as the joy of being alive. Just as you are feeling old, despairing and fatigued, she will sweep you up in her strong arms, show you the treasures of your life, and lay out a feast for you to partake in with others of your kind. Because being lonely and isolated is no longer an option for you.
Divinatory meanings: Bringing people together in life-changing, sacred and meaningful gatherings; mothering others joyously; being greater than you appear to be; understanding the need for joy and happiness and gatherings that delight in the company of soul mates; family agreements and pacts that are reinforced through celebration; coming together in community with friends. Finding your soul family. Being protected and nurtured by friends and soul-family. Connecting with others at gatherings, even if they are very small; consider hosting gatherings of like-minded souls; be prepared to balance your inner extrovert and introvert; understand the need for family, and for you to nurture those connections. Very very deep connections with others can still be playful!”
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