
Showing posts from March, 2018

DAY 23: I Have Received! And Afternoons

Day 23 is a great one! For BabySteps we are starting a new group of routines;  Afternoon Routines . These are individual chores that you need in your life, things that might benefit from being taken care of before you put your feet up after your workday. For me it's begin preparing for dinner. Chopping, mixing, marinating etc., so that food is just 20 minutes away or so. For someone else it might be vacuuming,  or doing laundry or the mission for the day, or administrative stuff, 30 minutes office hour... The great thing about routines it that they hardly 'cost' any energy once the routine has been established. So figure out what you never seem to get done, put it in her 5min a day, for example :) Mike Dooley on his side is asking us to  Be Grateful , so it's your basic gratitude list - but only because gratitude for what we have received is an easy way to get into the 'receiving' state of mind - which in turn automatically will give us more. So in the li...

DAY 22: Procrastination & Perfectly Lovely Things To Do

Today is Day 22 - a great magical number!  And my two favorite sages on how to live earth life better, Mike Dooley and Marla Cilley, converge again - but it might not be completely obvious at first glance: Our  Baby Step 22  is about procrastination; the question is 'did you do your control journal yet'? Well, did you? I started mine, as you remember - I have pictures. But I havent put anything in it since...! I think I remember everyting without it. I don't. I want the colors to be right, I want good looking dividerr, I want this and that - and I don't like the fold in the cover plastic.  Ok. So FlyLady states that procrastination comes from perfectionism.  I didn't agree. A huge part of me still resist it, I'm a mess, I'm ok with so-so. Everything is just so-so in my life anyway.  But here is the thing; I don't like it. Most things in my life - I don't like! So, maybe I am a perfectionist after all. A desillusioned pessimist, w...

DAY 21: Playing Make Believe to Receive

So, today is day 21. Hope you guys have picked up a useful thing or two; I also hope you have stuck with the babystep routines listed... Today's task is one I did in the beginning; reading the Q&As. I took it to heart that all the negativity in my mind needed to be 'flywashed' away, with postitive stories and inspirational ideas. After a while of reading, that need subsided - if I'm more positive than the shares, then I think I've graduated :)  But read one or two, only as much as your heart can stay open for - and don't get lost and spend more than 5 minutes reading, either.  Baby Step 21 For Infinite Possibilities our  Day 21  is a challenge, at least for me who tend to be rather private around my dreams. We are to speak of our dreams - as if they had come true - with another person; a friend who also believes and works with thoughts becoming things . Listen to Mike Dooley in the video, and lets find the courage to do it. (Who on earth do I know I coul...

DAY 20: Climbing Mount Washmore & Co

Today's tasks are both easy - and GREAT! The  Baby Step 20  is One Load a day keeps Mount Washmore Away; do one load of laundry every day. This only works if you have your own laundry machine, and to this day I am not as successful with my laundry as I was where I lived when I started FlyLady years back. But there is a something for everyone here - if you do have a laundry machine, start it in the morning, perhaps with delay so it's done just as you get home - and you can hang it to dry or put it in the dryer. And If you don't have laundry for every day of the week, then the following morning you can fold, and put away. If you have more laundry you fold in the evening - I get my kids to help, and we sometimes fold watching a show. Everyone puts their own clothes away. And I make sure I collect laundry everyday; from couches - the floor! - the bathroom - hallway. It's a daily laundry walk :) Mike Dooley asks us to do something far more festive :) We are to make a l...

Experience: Black Soot Visit

Hey - so here is a video on spiritual matters only. It's been a while, been staying mostly with the Start Anew Project, since getting into a groove with that has been not quite as straight forward as I anticipated :) Anyway, here's my account of an experience yesterday, that I will spend some time digesting. As you know, I'm not one to believe in evil or densities other than as a reflection of myself  - so this experience is a little curious to me. Let me know if you have any thoughts.

DAY 19: Change for Others Too

It's Day 19 :) Not bad. If you've noticed, not all days' tasks are really any effort at all. Todays couple of assignments are of that kind, at least for me, 'cause doing things for others  is so much easier, than caring for me. FlyLady's task  Baby Step 19  I'm not even sure I found a task - is it 'read testimonies'`? That's what I'm going with at least. So, here's the thing: there are sooo many emails. One of my most important tasks everyday is to delete all emails I'm not 'loving or needing' to read - much like stuff-declutter. So, on most days I delete all FlyLady emails except the one for Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. AND if there is a title that speaks to me: I'm stuck! on a day when I'm feeling stuck etc. So, that is my task for you - delete, but open one email that makes you a bit curious first. Don't get stuck, just brief it, see if there is a gem of wisdom for you this day :)  Others' experiences shared ...

DAY 18: Scipts and Commandments :D

So, Day 18. I'm wondering how you have managed this. This time around, since my home is actually so much better than the first time, I have not found the dedication to de-clutter for 15 minutes every day. And it is a shame, that is the thing that really makes all the difference. BUT I am using the 2min hotspot, the daily routines and the weekday focus. In time I believe the other activities will be added. I am a slow learner of routines, and that is fine. Now, for today: FlyLady asks us to look at her 11  'commandments' , Most of them you've seen before, but they are all good reminders of how to act - to change our lives. And Mike Dooley wants us to  Script a Day  in our lives, when all of our dreams have come true. This is such a nice task I will start here: I wake up - much like this morning - of my own accord to a blue sky outside my window, my partner is still sleeping and I get up go out into the mild early morning on the patio and pray and meditate. As I am...

DAY 17: Celebrations and Bed Time :)

Yay, I'm back! (For anyone who just started doing this project, you will not know the difference, but - yes, I got interrupted in my project work. But here I am, back just picking things up where I left them. And so can you, if you ever forget one day - two days, two weeks or a year. Just jump right in. It is one of the things that made FlyLady so accessible to me - an of course I will promote that kind of thinking. We are NOT behind, just jump right in!) DAY 17 in FlyLady is a simple task. Simple, incredibly effective! - yet very, very difficult to accomplish if you struggle with it, or struggle with exhaustion and/or problem with finding alone time:   Go to bed at a decent hour. What I did, was I started going to bed at the same time as my youngest. 8pm. I wanted to find out how much sleep I actually needed. If I slept at 8pm, what time would I wake up. For almost two years, I woke up at 6-7-8am. I needed sooo much sleep. But then gradually I've been able to move the...

DAY 16: Rituals AND a little Random Reading

Today, on Day 16 of this 30 day (31) project we are asked to do two rather diametral things, while they are part of the same overall goal: To build routines that will stick with us after these 30 days (31). For the Infinite Possibilities Project  Day 16:  we are asked to look at what could be some rituals we could do daily that are solely dedicated to transformation. These videos of course are rituals, and the 5 minute visualizing, if you stuck with those - but what can we start doing today that you can keep up with after the project finishes? I do morning prayer and meditation. It is something I do every single day, with very, very few exceptions. But for me that is not really for transformation, that is for my sobriety. So, what I would like to add - somewhere in my day - is a solid 5 minutes by my vision board. I also did a really helpful thing for a while; weekly meetings with myself. I did them on mondays, took out my lists of babysteps towards my goals, and updated t...

DAY 15: HalfWay

Today we reach the halfway mark, how have your experiences been so far? Personally, I think it was too much for me to do both projects at the same time; AND document it here for you guys. So, I've used the FlyLady steps to remind me of the tasks that I've 'fallen out of doing' since last time. Not too much effort to be honest, only decluttered 15 min/wee in the first week. But my home is not a complete disaster anymore, so I'm resting a bit in the fact that getting the routines back one at a time will be enough to lift my everyday life markably. When it comes to Infinite possibilities, I have payed even less attention; I have done the tasks - but not with the love, excitement and joy that they deserve. Once I've gone through the BabySteps once, i will start the Infinite over again, just for myself - and give 5 quality minutes to building my manifesting muscles <3 So todays task in Infinite Possbilities  Day 15:  Send thoughts of love. We are to find tha...

DAY 14: Calendars :)

For FlyLady today we do  BabyStep 14:  It is a really easy task, read an article on Calendars.  But as you probably noticed by now, if you are sticking to the routines and doing the 2 minute hotspots, the 5 min room rescue, the 15 min declutter and now also the missions - then you will have your plate full anyway. I remember in the beginning the change was so wonderful and the relief of having surfaces to look at instead of piles was so huge I didn't want to stop cleaning and decluttering :) But then as the days went on, not everyday I got everyting done - and I had trouble remembering all the tasks and even if I had my list, I still got a bit stressed; I wanted to get all the tasks done in the morning so that I wouldn't forget. This of course was my perfection working. I have a build that makes it very difficult for me to establish routines - at all. So I have to invent - and reinvent - ways to have me look at what to do next. I cannot just remember, but I still...

DAY 13: Not behind

So, one of the FlyLady proverbs that I use alot, to not get stuck in negativity is "Your are NOT behind, just jump right in!" For me this means, I do not have to do the chores I missed yesterday, but can just continue 'where everyone else is' - that is TODAY :) In FlyLady's case, I know for a fact that even if I miss a task, it will get done soon enough, really. Any way I work the FlyLady routines will be a HUGE improvement from my life without them, so I really need not get bogged down by one missed day. However, since I am sharing this with others, I want to appologize for missing a day, hope you could go find the tasks yourselves on the sites, and here they are anyway, the tasks for Day 13: FlyLady  BabyStep13:  Is to get introduced to the missions. The missions are fast tasks specific for the area we are in this week. Todays task (not yesterday's mind you, we are NOT behind :)) is to take care of the dishes. She also says to shine your sink - but...

DAY 12: Celebrations and the Week.

Infinite Possibilities  Day 12: Plan the Celebration  This one is easy and fun :) Enjoy! FlyLady  BabyStep 12 : Delete FlyEmails. This one is very important, delete without having read, do not feel like you miss out on something - you will get the messages you need at the time you need them. When FlyLady routine is established, feel free to unsubscribe from the mails, so you dont get digital clutter. I do not agree w FlyLady here; Digital Clutter most certainly IS clutter, you cant organize it - it needs to go. - - - - So, today is Sunday - for me. I just realized now, that if you have decided to join the project after me, you will likely be on other weekdays than I am, but you of course already knew that. But this means that instead of writing here about what Sundays mean to me, I will plot out the week as FlyLady tells it. And we are free to change things around; if we do groceries and errands on Mondays because we have the car on that day, or we rest on Saturd...

Light Waves, Massive! and Unstoppable

This video is about my new powers... I've been upgraded, lol. No, but seriously, I was on the bus yesteday and almost knocked people over with my first light wave, it was so massive. I got to try out my new 'gear', just a first attempt, but very promising. And if I drop the video game analogy for a second; I have found yet another new quality for the light, that I can work with - it is an even more massive quality, almost like matter, and the waves of it travel across great distances without hinderance. The word I am looking for in the video is ' unstoppable '. The waves, once they were sent off, took on the quality laws of nature; as certain and dependable as the predictable movements of the planets f.ex. Unstoppable.  I am going to learn more in the coming days of course, but this is the first experience with it. Enjoy!

DAY 11: Inspiration to lift us up out of Negativity

Wow, this day my whole project is beginning to come together to one beautifully orchestrated symphony, I love it. Since before, I had decided my Daily Guidebook (aka FL Control Journal) would get some of the Visionboard work I'd done for Infinite Possibilities, and some of the sticky notes from FL have had messages I've come up with in the IP work. But today, they are definitely singing the same song the two angels of light; Marla Cilley and Mike Dooley: FlyLady Day 11:  Inspirational Quotes Infinite Possibilities Day 11:  Surround yourself with the truth. So, In FlyLady we are asked to put in another page in our Daily Guidbook - a page with inspirational quotes. And we did some of those - yesterday, right? And the day before? For infinite possibilites ;) Look at her articles and pick a few of the FL quotes too, pick a few you love and maybe one or two that you would love to love, but perhaps more like fear, at the moment. I know I was hesitant about " Housewor...

DAY 10: Timers and Themes

Hi I don't think I will have time to do my tasks today, possibly later in the evening, but I thought I'd post the links for you, anyway: Infinite Possibilities Day 10:  Create an affirmati on for each theme. FlyLady BabyStep 10:  The Power of 15 This one has forever changed my life, just so you know it. And the important detail - to sit down for 15 feet up - is what makes it magic. Sitting down relaxing - with good concience, gives more energy than any amount of time procrastinating... I remember how quickly after I started flylady that I decided to invest in a pretty timer. I was poor as can be, but I started giving myself pennies (the equivalent in my currency of course) for the tasks I did in FlyLady. I knew which one I wanted, and decided at the end of each week if I had completed the BabySteps and the 15 minutes I got $5 - one for each day. It was quite a lot for me, in my budget - but the effect of the 15 minutes was so miraculous that I even changed my name, an...

DAY 9: Out with the old - and in with the New

On our 9th day of the Start Anew project, again FlyLady and Mike Dooley go very well together; I realize I have jumped the gun on one thing; For our FlyLady Project today is the day we start decluttering, getting rid of the old. Todays  task  is to read the article on decluttering - and to do a 5 minute Room Rescue - in our worst room. What is a 5 min Room Rescue? It is to spend 5 minutes 'clearing a path' in your worst room, the area you would not allow anyone to see. I thought at first it would be the bedroom, for me, but I let people see my bedroom - then I realized the big closet, that's the room. It is jammed with everything I do not use daily and things that maybe should be in the basement storage room - or maybe be decluttered and let go of. Anyway, clearing a path it is...! And what better then, when we are dealing with letting go of the old and of the past, than to turn, with Mike Dooley, towards the  New: In the video in the linke above ^ ^ ^  , M...