DAY 18: Scipts and Commandments :D
So, Day 18. I'm wondering how you have managed this. This time around, since my home is actually so much better than the first time, I have not found the dedication to de-clutter for 15 minutes every day. And it is a shame, that is the thing that really makes all the difference. BUT I am using the 2min hotspot, the daily routines and the weekday focus. In time I believe the other activities will be added. I am a slow learner of routines, and that is fine.
Now, for today:
FlyLady asks us to look at her 11 'commandments', Most of them you've seen before, but they are all good reminders of how to act - to change our lives.
And Mike Dooley wants us to Script a Day in our lives, when all of our dreams have come true. This is such a nice task I will start here: I wake up - much like this morning - of my own accord to a blue sky outside my window, my partner is still sleeping and I get up go out into the mild early morning on the patio and pray and meditate. As I am meditating I hear my partner waking up and he comes out and in silence we begin our morning yoga routine, in sync.
When we are finished we say good morning with a kiss, and go prepare breakfast. We start with a tour to the chicken coop with last nights scraps, picking up a basket of eggs. The kids 3-4 of them his and mine wake up and join us, some quite and tired, some chatty and ready to go. We go through the day, practical - who eats when, who cooks, helps clean up, takes the dogs etc.
We bike to school/work; there is low traffic, almost no cars - cargo bikes and bikes, green areas, gardens with vegetables and chicken, much like ours. We greet friends and neighbours that we pass, they all take a left or a right turn, and then it's just me for a while. I get to the farm just as my dear friend and coop-companion is letting the sheep out for the morning. I change to work clothes and then start cleaning stables and serving food for the animals; a couple of horses, chicken, ducks, pigs, and two native breed cows. I hear the bell for coffee and change out of the stable clothes.
After coffee the rest of the morning before lunch is 'modern work'; we are administrating, initiating, sharing - it is screen and phone time, for an hour or so. There is a videoconference with our companions in Australia and Brazil and Russia. For lunch one of the coop'ers have made a beautiful meal with asparages and lamb and delicious potato w garlic. We laugh at the latest around the farm.
After breakfast I hand over work to a coop'er - what I've done, what needs to be done, and I go for a walk, take one of the horses to another pasture, and pick another up to take back - there is a class horse back riding for beginners in the afternoon. Coming back I get a hug from one of my work friends and we chat.
I hold a class of yoga and after it I spend some time with meditation, first for myself and then for healing. There is a time that we strive towards meditation all, and this day I can really sense my faraway friends present in the healing meditation.
Before leaving for the day,I get the work handed to me, from my work mate, so that I can get started in the morning. I bike by my partners work and pick him up and we go by the local store to pick up some few things we need. No wrappings, no containers, and we are using 'barterbills' - its a communal thing.
Some of the kids are home, some come later. We have some time for ourselves - and two of the kids are making dinner, too. We decide to take some tea and just sit and talk on the patio. He tells me some wise words he heard today, I tell him of our friends at work, human and animals. He is looking forward to working on the farm with me tomorrow. Love.
We get served dinner, and then he and one of the kids clean up while I have 'homework hour' with the others. Someone brings out a guitar to show what they just learnt and suddenly we are all playing for a little while, laughing because we try different genres.
And we all go to bed at a decent hour! :)
Love love love.
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